EPSA Events

It is from these Mastermind Groups that other innovations and technologies arise.

The wealth of information and experience that is shared amongst EPSA members

Members and Guest Speakers address key issues within their respective fields and the group networks on various cutting edge solutions that enhance energy procurement performance.

13 March
Update on Global Logistics Landscape
10 April
Future of Procurement Profession in the Energy Sector

Past Events

Third Party Risk Management


locationVirtual Meeting

Third Party Risk Management

Presented by Laura Davidson | APA Group | Manager Networks Procurement and Courtney Joannidis | Group Manager – Procurement Excellence and Delivery | Jemena

Health and Wellbeing of Procurement and Supply Chain Professionals
Third Party Risk Management
Supply Diversity and Engaging with Indigenous Businesses
CopperString 2032


locationVirtual Meeting

CopperString 2032

Challenges of delivering essential services to remote communities in the Northern Territory
Annual EPSA Conference - Melbourne


locationJemena, Melbourne

Annual EPSA Conference - Melbourne

The annual EPSA conference will be hosted by Jemena at their Melbourne office over the 25th and 26th of July

Role of Procurement in Managing Supply Chain Risks: Trends, Typical Approaches & Challenges
Commercially Astute Procurement Professionals
Energy Renewables Transition Market Development
Update on Global Logistics landscape
Modern Slavery - What organisations should be doing in 2024
Top Australia Recruitment Agencies present what they see in current and future Supply Chain market
Procurement Supply Chain Career Paths
Practical Cyber Security Measures
Procurement and Supply Chain in a Changing World ... 12 months on ... what's changed since back then?


locationVirtual Meeting

Procurement and Supply Chain in a Changing World ... 12 months on ... what's changed since back then?

Len Blackmore and Craig Lardner join us for a follow up discussion around "Procurement and Supply Chain in a Changing World ... 12 months on ... what's changed since back then?"

Demand for Contract Labour and its Impact on the Energy Sector

locationVirtual Meeting

Demand for Contract Labour and its Impact on the Energy Sector

How is your organisation managing project deadlines and budgets in the face of ongoing labour shortages, rising costs, uncertain global events?

Annual EPSA Conference - Tasmania



Annual EPSA Conference - Tasmania

Our 2023 annual Conference will be hosted by Hydro Tasmania in Hobart over the 11th and 12th of May 2023

Hydro Tasmania Workshop tour
Supply Chain Resilience and the Energy Value Chain



Supply Chain Resilience and the Energy Value Chain

Join us for our monthly Hot Topic session around Supply Chain Resilience and the Energy Value Chain to be presented by Ernst & Young.

Impacts on Procurement and Supply and Mitigating Strategies


Impacts on Procurement and Supply and Mitigating Strategies

2023 Marco-Economic Update: Impacts on Procurement and Supply and Mitigating Strategies Presented by Debobrata Hembram, Mohit Handa and Padmalakshmi G from Beroe.

New Research into Modern Slavery Act 2018
Competition and Consumer Act 2010 - CCA Awareness Training for EPSA Members

locationVirtual Meeting


Procurement’s Role in Minimising Impact of Global Inflation
Social Procurement



Social Procurement

Join us to hear from our three presenters, Catherine Predika - Ausnet, Greg Parkinson - Turner &Townsend and Glen Spittey - Santos, all of which have years of experience in the Procurement business.

How to Lead a Complex Negotiation


locationVirtual Meeting

How to Lead a Complex Negotiation

Join EPSA for our August Hot Topic where Craig Lardner - Procurement Advisory Services, will present on How to Lead a Complex Negotiation. We will also receive an update from Prof. James Cockayne – Professor of Global Politics & Anti Slavery, University of Nottingham, around new research into the Modern Slavery Act 2018.

Supply Chain Risk Management - Round Table Discussion


locationVirtual Meeting

Supply Chain Risk Management - Round Table Discussion

Join us for a round table discussion around Supply Chain Risk Management. We will provide the opportunity for all to provide their lessons learned, experiences, concerns, questions... Whether you speak up or simply listen in, we guarantee that you will leave the session with some new insights and approaches.

EPSA Conference Adelaide South Australia

calendarMay 2022

locationAdelaide Oval

EPSA Conference Adelaide South Australia

EPSA's first face to face conference since October 2019 and held at South Australia's historic Adelaide Oval, the theme of the conference will be ‘Procurement and Supply Chain in a Changing World in the Energy Sector’. Hold the date in your 2022 calendars and we will provide more information as the date approaches. Working in partnership with Augment Resources the conference will also see the launch of  EPSA's White Paper of the same topic.

Supply Chain Risk Management


locationVirtual Meeting

Supply Chain Risk Management

This Hot Topic session will see presentations from Nathan Roost – Ernst & Young and David Haynes – Orrcon Distribution – A suppliers perspective of Supply Chain Risk Management

Supply Chain Risks - Ukraine/Russia


locationVirtual Meeting

Supply Chain Risks - Ukraine/Russia

The session will be focused on the impacts of the current situation between Ukraine/Russia. Beroe will kick off the session with a presentation on the general overview and current update with a focus on certain categories that are impacted. We will then have a virtual roundtable discussion where we would like a representative from each of the membership group to share their current issues on this topic and some of the potential mitigation strategies you are putting in place if any.

Contracting Resources – Augment


Contracting Resources – Augment

The session will focus on preparing for success in sourcing contingent labour and professional services. The session will cover the common structures by which to source this category; the pros and cons of each structure from both a buyer and suppliers’ perspective; what is the state of the market currently and it’s expected trends; and what risks do you need to cover as a result – particularly when choosing suppliers

EPSA Conference Adelaide South Australia

calendarDecember 14, 2021


EPSA Conference Adelaide South Australia

The December 14, 2021 APUG conference was held in Adelaide. Some topics on the agenda were Supplier Relationship Management, Procurement-State of the Market and Recycling Journey.

EPSA Virtual Conference



EPSA Virtual Conference

2020 threw a spanner in the works with the onset of the Covid pandemic. The world was thrown into turmoil and this saw EPSA hold its first virtual conference.

EPSA Conference Perth, Western Australia

calendarOctober 2019

locationWestern Power, Perth

EPSA Conference Perth, Western Australia

Held at Western Power’s office in Perth, this conference focused on Supplier Relationship Management, with topics including Business and Customer Services. Procure to Pay Transformation and SRM presentations from both TransGrid, Western power and AusNet Service Case Study on “Challenging the existing Sourcing Paradigm utilizing Collaborative Optimisation”. This conference coincided with the launch of EPSA modern Slavery White Paper.

EPSA Conference Cairns, Queensland

calendarAugust 2019


EPSA Conference Cairns, Queensland

Our second conference for 2019 was held in sunny Cairns. Amongst other informative sessions, Energy Qld presented Procurement Challenges and Approach - As a consequence of Ring Fencing.

EPSA Conference Melbourne, Victoria

calendarMarch 2019

locationJemena, Melbourne

EPSA Conference Melbourne, Victoria

This Conference entitled The Future of Procurement Technology was held at Jemena’s offices in Melbourne and included keynote speakers from IACCM, Case Studies on Agile procurement (Jemena), Data Analytic Application (CLP) and Risk Workshop, and presentation by Hays on the Shortage of Skilled Strategic Procurement Resources

EPSA Conference Melbourne

calendarMarch, 2019

locationMelbourne, Victoria

EPSA Conference Melbourne

The EPSA conference in March 2019 was hosted at the Jemena Head Office in Melbourne. IACCM presented on the Future State of Procurment Technology with related case studies from Sharyn County - Jemena and Winnie Au - CLP

EPSA Macau October 2018

calendarOctober 2018


EPSA Macau October 2018

The association's second conference for 2018 was held in Macau. EPSA presented White Papers on Sustainability in the Supply Chain and Technology-enabled Procurement.

EPSA Conference Darling Harbour Sydney

calendarMarch, 2018

locationDarling Harbour Sydney

EPSA Conference Darling Harbour Sydney

The first biannual conference for 2018 was held at Darling Harbor, Sydney. Presentations included Global Sourcing, Sustainable Procurement in the energy industry and Continuous Improvement Program.

EPSA Conference South Australia

calendarFebruary, 2017

locationElectraNet, SA

EPSA Conference South Australia

The 2017 conference was held in Sth Australia and was hosted by ElectraNet. There were numerous presenters at the conference with ArcBlue presenting on Sector wide Procurement Benchmarking Programs - Mapping the sector journey towards best practice.

EQL Brisbane August 2016

calendarAugust 2016

locationEQL Brisbane

EQL Brisbane August 2016

Held at Ergon Energy in Brisbane this conference had a presentation from Transgird around the relative merits of benchmarking, Centralise Purchains by Ergon Energy, Strategic and Transactional Purchases by CLP, Supply Chain by Electranet and a Group Discussion on Sustainable Procurement

EPSA Conference Brisbane, Queensland

calendarAugust, 2016

locationEQL Brisbane

EPSA Conference Brisbane, Queensland

This conference was hosted by Energex in Brisbane. Presentations were provided by Carly Irving - Our Customer Driven Future, Andre Behm - Integrated Supply Technology, to name a couple.

Epsa Hong Kong

calendarJune, 2016

locationCLP , Hong Kong

Epsa Hong Kong

The EPSA conference was held in Hong Kong in June 2016. Presentations were provided to the audience from Keystone Cable, Xian Electric Engineering and A.T Kearney.

EPSA Conference Brisbane, Queensland


locationEnergex Brisbane

EPSA Conference Brisbane, Queensland

In August 2015 EPSA, formerly APUG, held its biannual conference in Brisbane. Along with many other topics of interest, Ergon Energy presented its view on Centralised Purchasing

EPSA Conference Townsville, Queensland


locationErgon Townsville

EPSA Conference Townsville, Queensland

In 2015 EPSA, formerly APUG, held its 2 day conference in Townsville, Qld. A sample of areas of interest and topics of discussion were Procurement and Logistics innovations, Sustainable Procurement Decisions vs Short Term "Grab the Cash" Decisions and Procurement at Ergon.

Want to become an EPSA member?

Energy Procurement Supply Association (EPSA) brings together executives and managers from different utility companies operating in the Asia Pacific region for the purpose of collaboration and creating tangible business benefits to members.